Everyone wants greater marketing ROI, better integrated programs, and easily-executed projects requiring fewer people. At BlendedBusiness, this is our expertise and focus.


BlendedBusiness is the center hub linking a number of best-of-breed, below-the-line marketing service providers. Our capabilities span from Marketing Strategy to Field Services.

We strive to help our clients be:

Innovative, proactive, neutral, ethical, trustworthy, straightforward, unbiased, credible, authoritative, bold, fearless, kinetic, visionary, dynamic, cool

A midsize service provider sought to elevate itself from being perceived as a commodity vendor to being acknowledged as a total retail marketing solution provider. This was more than an exercise in simply crafting a new Position Statement. It was the evolution of the company’s culture, operations, technology systems, and more. We developed this company’s new positioning, enhanced the suite of services supporting that positioning, and oversaw the change management necessary to make all of this come together.

blend•ed (blended)

To combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another; to create a harmonious effect or result.

busi•ness (biz'nis)

The occupation, work, or trade in which a person is engaged; commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it.

True marketing success isn’t possible without tying marketing and operations together. Yet this integration is often overlooked. That’s where BlendedBusiness comes in. We pull disparate elements, systems and people together to achieve a common marketing goal.  

BlendedBusiness makes marketing programs more effective, efficient and easy to manage.  We take the burden off our clients by providing innovative ideas; by integrating and automating disparate campaign management functions, components and workflows; and by overseeing implementation and analysis.  Our practice areas include:

  • Shopper marketing (i.e. loyalty marketing, social media)
  • Retail and in-store marketing (i.e. POP, loyalty programs, media integration and activation, promo partnerships, merchandising strategy)
  • Digital out-of-home (i.e. digital signage, mobile marketing)

BlendedBusiness synchronizes the various channels and people in the marketing mix. We help corporate marketers and marketing service providers to better integrate marketing programs and in turn better integrate marketing with operations. We make our clients’ programs more effective, more efficient and easier to manage by providing best-of-breed consulting, project management services and technology solutions, leveraging marketing automation to make these changes possible.